Remember going to movie theaters, eating buttery popcorn, and sipping on a bubbly soda? This option may not be available to us right now, but we can recreate (and possibly improve) this experience by adding a bit of sophistication to your next Netflix and pajama party. The bubbles in sparkling wines go wonderfully well with the fat in the buttered/oiled popcorn. In honor of Popcorn Day, try these recipes and sparkling wines. Add in a classic movie where sparkling wine is prominent (think Casablanca, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, or many James Bond films), and you have a perfect movie night.
Make popcorn with your usual method, then add upgrades:
Truffle Oil Popcorn and Champagne
Heat truffle oil and gently toss with the popcorn. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
Smoked Salt Popcorn and Sparkling Rose
Melt butter and toss popcorn with a smoked salt of your choosing along with freshly cracked pepper.
Old Bay Seasoning Popcorn and Prosecco
Gently heat butter and toss on popcorn; sprinkle with Old Bay seasoning and toss again.
Spice It Up
Chili Powder Popcorn and Cava
Melt butter and add chili powder to taste; pour over popcorn and toss until well blended.
Regular Joe
Buttered Popcorn and California Sparkling
Melt butter–lots of it–and pour over popcorn with plenty of salt.